
Keplex No.1 Bond Builder



Restores the broken sulfide bonds in the hair. It can be used with all color techniques, bleaching, coloring, relaxing, etc.

  • Rebuild and restore hair bonds
  • Prevent hair damage
  • Used with all hair coloring techniques

1-Worry Free, Color Lifting

Step 1: Apply 30 ml of KEPLEX No.1 to 270 ml of bleach powder mixture or 15 ml of KEPLEX No.1 to dye.
Step 2: Apply 60 ml of KEPLEX No.2 on hair after rinsing with water and leave it for 20 mins.
Step 3: Use KEPLEX No.3 for 20 mins weekly. Use SILVER NEUTRALIZING SHAMPOO from KEPLEX to get rid from yellow tones

2-SAY GOODBYE To Your Damaged Hair

Step 1: Mix 15ml of KEPLEX No.1 with 60ml of water.
Step 2: Spray the mixture on a clea>3-Split Ends Remedy

Step 1: Cut small part of the hair ends.
Step 2: Apply 30 ml of KEPLEX No.2 from roots to ends and comb through once. Leave it for 20 mins.
Step 3: Rinse hair with water.